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ExerciseHealthMental HealthNatureRelationships

Feeling Warm Inside When It’s Cold Outside

As summer gives way to fall, and the colder climate moves in, many people find that their mood shifts with the season, and not for the better.  Recently, I was […]


On the Trail With My Kids: Book Excerpt

The following is an excerpt from the book On the Trail With My Kids: From the Ohio River to the Mighty Mississippi. Further information, including the synopsis, can be found […]


Two Centuries In One – From the St. Louis Arch to Downtown Evansville

I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith – 2 Timothy 4:7 As I entered the darkness that morning with Andrew, and […]


On the Trail With My Kids – A River to River Summary

It was almost four years ago on December 23, 2019 that my four oldest kids, Zach, Emma, Matthew, Noah, and I, took off on an unseasonably warm day with a […]


Toward the Top

We had just left camp about 20 minutes prior, heading out on the trail at 7:20 AM.  Will and I were alone on the road, as the others were well […]


From Resistance to Love

Over the past couple of decades, I have come to learn that regular activity is not only a key to being physically and psychologically healthy, but also more socially and […]


Backpacking Is a Quintessential Christian Activity

“Not everything in life is essential.  If everything is essential, then nothing is essential.” I had just awoken to the sounds of a gurgling stream.  The previous night, a thundershower […]


It Moves, Therefore It Is

It is 5 AM.  I lie asleep in bed and all is still.  Yet is it really? All around me, the universe is expanding at speeds so fast and controversial, […]


5 (Free) Keys to Coping with Pain

I was sitting on the banks of a tributary of the Yellowstone River.  My brother, two friends, and I were into day three of our epic adventure through Yellowstone National […]


Yellowstone: Trekking Through the Heart of Beauty & Isolation

For an audio version of the following illustrated print account of the Yellowstone trek, see this link: Day 1:  September 8 Start Time: ~ 4:15 PM MST  End Time: […]