Turning Free Will Into Will Power Book Cover

Turning Free Will Into Willpower

The Opportunity of a Lifetime
by James F. Schroeder, PhD & Vanessa Jodlowski

To unite with others in reducing unnecessary suffering and increasing opportunities for joy as it pertains to God’s design of human beings and the world.

We will all suffer at times, and some suffering can facilitate personal growth and greater closeness to God. But so much of the suffering in our world, and our difficulties in finding joy in healthy ways, is because we as people don’t understand and/or pursue God’s designs in all things. When this occurs, our likelihood for negative outcomes increases and we struggle to sustain joy and peace. But when we pursue God’s design in our whole lives and in our world, opportunities to unite with others in joyful ways, and grow closer to Him, become exciting and endless.

Therefore, you shall love the LORD, your God, with your whole heart, and with your whole being, and with your whole strength.

Deuteronomy 6:5

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Foundation & Framework

The piece Foundation and Framework symbolizes two ideas that are critical to our world. First, it represents the love of all people towards another, regardless of creed, culture, country, circumstance, or any personal factor that may be used to drive division among us. As all beings created by God, we are called to unite through both our joys and struggles in the love of neighbor as self. Second, this symbol represents the love of a man and a woman intertwined with Jesus Christ through his death and resurrection on the cross. The world depends on this love for its future and happiness. For both meanings, the inner domains represent the foundations of our lives, while the outer domains represent activities of the heart, mind and soul necessary to live as God intends.